Who can copy my national registration number?

More and more private companies see the national register number as a useful item to identify someone. In the GDPR, the national register number is not included as sensitive personal data, but its processing remains prohibited by law.

The law of 08/08/1983 regulating a national register of natural persons determines under which conditions and by which persons the national register may be used.

It is the Sectoral Committee of the National Register that can grant an authorization if two conditions are met;

  • The applicant is a public or private institution under Belgian law;
  • For the fulfillment of tasks of general interest.

The main processors authorized to process the National Register are;

  • The police, government services, notaries, bailiffs, lawyers and pharmacists, but also the employer who needs this information to be able to provide it to the RSZ.

    Who is still authorized ?

What is a national register number?

The National Register of Natural Persons is the authentic source of the identification data of people in flesh and blood and also a strong means for processing this data electronically. This means that both the government and yourself can rely on it. It is by working in this way that one avoids using different ways of collecting information.

What is the use of my national registration number?

The National Register makes it possible to locate you as a citizen in order to be able to offer protection if necessary in the event of unforeseen circumstances such as a natural disaster, crime or fire.

The task of the National Register also consists of simplifying administrative formalities.

Unlawful consultation of the National Register!

Persons bound by professional secrecy can be held personally liable at disciplinary, civil and criminal level. The DPO and professional secrecy.

The use of the national register number without authorization or for purposes other than those for which that authorization was granted, provides for severe sanctions. There are also sanctions for persons who, in the performance of their functions and who have an obligation to maintain the secrecy of the national register, intervene in the processing of information data, and not all obligations for technical and organizational measures to guarantee security and for persons who work within an organism. are authorized to access or communicate the personal data, whereby they undertake to maintain the confidential nature of the information data.

Where can I submit a complaint?

If you determine that an organization is illegally consulting “My File ” or that this organization is not complying with its obligations, you have the right to file a complaint with the Commission for the Protection of Privacy or the court.

The Commission will first deal with the complaint on the basis of this law and will try to act as a mediator between the parties in order to be able to resolve the matter amicably and will do so free of charge.

If the Commission determines that no agreement can be reached, it will report the incriminating facts to the Public Prosecution Service or turn to a court. It is not the Commission that can impose a fine, but a court.

Can a hotel copy my identity card?

It is prohibited by law to have a copy of your passport made by a hotel or other accommodation rental facilities and they may even temporarily withhold the ID. To prove your identity, you can show your passport so that they can write down your name.

According to Criminal Law, the owners of accommodations are obliged to keep a nightly register if, for example, a disaster or fire breaks out.

Can a rental agent make a copy of my passport?

The rental agent is allowed to do this because he mediates between you and the landlord of a home, for example because the broker has a duty of care towards the landlord who gave him the assignment, but you must delete your national register number because otherwise there is a risk of identity fraud. Furthermore, this broker must ensure that the data he obtains is adequately protected .


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